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Hear the latest news and expertise from Smart Cells and our industry.
Today marks the beginning of Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, an awareness event that we strongly believe deserves more attention.
If you’re expecting a new arrival, you might have come across the concept of storing your little one’s umbilical cord blood stem cells at birth. This concept might seem a little strange if you’ve never heard about it before,...
Giving birth is not something that we do alone. While some women may choose a more hands off birth approach, having midwife advice throughout your pregnancy and birth journey is important.
Mixed-race children and ethnic minorities have a lower chance of finding a matching donor from a public cord blood bank. We're exploring how private cord blood banking can provide a potential solution for families who need one.
Here are a few tips on how to prepare your little one for a new sibling!
Our Scientific Director, Dr Ann Smith was pleased to attend the 2024 Advanced Therapies Congress at the London ExCeL recently. With over 2000 attendees, and 250 global expert speakers, this event underscores the increasing importance of cellular therapies as...
Have you ever wondered how long you’ve actually spent breastfeeding your baby? Our breastfeeding calculator can help to give you an idea of how many hours you’ve spent with your little one at the breast, along with some fun...
Wondering how to choose the best cord blood bank for your family? This guide explores key factors like reputation, experience, collection process, and accessibility, to help you find the perfect fit for your family's needs.
It’s said that it takes a village to raise a child. But is that still a possibility today?