Stem cells fight illness and disease
As the body’s building blocks for repair and replacement, the possibilities for using stem cells are endless.
Storing umbilical cord stem cells from your baby opens up a range of treatment options for more than 80 conditions. Clinical trials are underway on many more, including COVID.
Blood disorders
Aplastic Anaemia
Beta Thalassemia
Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia
Fanconi’s Anaemia
Sickle Cell Disease
Acute Leukaemia
Chronic Leukaemia
High-Risk Solid Tumors
Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Immune disorders
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Hystiocytic Disorders
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Wiskott- Aldrich Syndrome
Neurological disorders*
Traumatic Brain Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
HSV Encephalitis & NMDA Receptor
Antibody Encephalitis
Metabolic disorders
Krabbe Disease
Hurler Syndrome
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
Sanfilippo Syndrome
Hunter Syndrome

More than just a stem cell bank
Parents all around the world are choosing to store stem cells, to give them peace of mind with their baby’s future health. Over the past 40 years more than 4 million cord blood samples have been stored in private banks globally.
Smart Cells, the UK‘s first private cord blood company, is one of the pioneers of UK Stem cell banking, with our state of the art laboratory near Heathrow Airport UK. Now part of the FamiCord Group, more than 500,000 families have trusted us with their baby’s cord blood & tissue, making us the #1 Bank in Europe. Our investment in Stem Cell research and range of therapies is unmatched.
#1 in Europe
Part of the FamiCord group, #3 in the world and present in 35 countries
Trusted by 500,000 families
With over 20 years’ experience
220+ Cord blood transplants
Stem cells delivered to 45+ countries worldwide
1,800+ Cord tissue therapies
Only family bank in Europe, of which the cord tissue and stem cells are used extensively in therapies
Leader in R&D
Providing personalised treatment for FamiCord Group clients
UK-based lab
Near Heathrow airport, with 12 other laboratories in Europe
Affordable storage
Flexible payment options and a price match guarantee

Professor Mark Johnson Discusses Cord Blood Banking
Public knowledge of stem cells in the UK remains low. For patients with Leukaemia – and other blood conditions – stem cell transplants can mean the difference between life and death.
Professor Johnson- who is a Consultant Obstetrician based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and is also a Consultant in General Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes – explains to us about benefits of cord blood stem cell banking and describes storing baby’s stem cells as a very important decision.
Our stem cell collection process
Five easy steps
Arrange your sample
to be taken
In the UK, a trained and licensed phlebotomist from a dedicated service will perform the collection. Liaise with them, or your doctor if outside the UK, to ensure they attend the hospital at the time of birth.
Your kit is
Once your baby’s sample has been collected, call Smart Cells. They will send a courier to collect and transport the sample to the laboratory near Heathrow Airport.
Samples are
Your baby’s sample is tested, processed, and cryogenically frozen at the laboratory.
Samples are stored
for 25 years
Smart Cells will call you to confirm the successful storage of your baby’s sample. This sample will be stored safety for 25 years, and released if necessary for treatment.