Welcome to week 25 of your pregnancy!
This is such a thrilling period in your life, and we’re right here by your side to navigate through it together. Let’s embark on this exciting time and uncover all the wonderful changes you and your little one are experiencing this week.
As you gracefully stride into your 25th week of pregnancy, don’t be surprised if you spot a touch of puffiness or a smidge of swelling making a debut in your face, hands, and feet. This is likely due to water retention and is usually harmless. Nonetheless, it’s certainly beneficial to engage in a casual conversation about this with your healthcare professional or midwife. To play it safe, they’ll likely want to check your blood pressure. It’s a bit tricky because it can appear in the later stages of pregnancy or even after your baby has arrived. If you experience splitting headaches, vision problems, or pain just below the ribs, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Your baby is around 34.6cm long from head to heel, approximately the size of a courgette. This is an active time for your baby; loud noises could make them jump and kick. You might even feel the occasional hiccup. Your baby is now peeing into the amniotic fluid, most of which is urine. This fluid provides cushioning and helps keep the temperature snug and stable.
Are you burping a lot or feeling full after eating? After meals, you might find yourself burping more often and feeling fuller than usual. This could be due to indigestion and heartburn, caused by your growing baby taking up some of the space where your stomach used to be. To ease these symptoms, consider having smaller meals, steering clear of rich, spicy, and fatty foods, and reducing your intake of drinks with caffeine. It’s also beneficial to sit up straight when you eat and to avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
It’s a great idea to start mulling over your birth plan at this stage. Think about the type of pain management you’d prefer and the individuals you’d want to accompany you during the birthing process. You can download an NHS birth plan template to help you think through these decisions.
Start toning up your pelvic floor muscles with gentle exercises. This can help prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze, or cough.
Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes. Even if this isn’t your first rodeo with parenthood, these classes can still be a wonderful adventure. They offer you a golden opportunity to mingle with other expectant parents, just like you, who are also on this exciting baby journey.
Consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement, especially from October to early March when sunlight is less abundant.
Aim for 150 minutes of exercise a week. Why not begin with a simple 10-minute stroll each day?
There’s no need to eat for two. You don’t need extra calories until the third trimester. Focus on eating healthily, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Remember, it’s perfectly okay to share your worries. It’s completely normal to have some anxiety during your pregnancy. Your doctor or midwife is there to help you. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and these are general guidelines. They can give you advice that’s really personalised for your own situation.
NHS | https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/pregnancy/week-by-week-guide-to-pregnancy/2nd-trimester/week-25/