Roise spoke to Smart Cells to tell us why she decided to store her daughters stem cells with Smart Cells.
1. Could you please provide a brief intro of your career/background?
My name is Rosie Stockley and I’m the founder of women’s wellness company MAMAWELL. I have a particular focus on pregnancy & postnatal fitness – with the goal of helping women feel strong, energised and informed at this time.
2. Why did you decide to store your baby’s stem cells?
My husband has a history of lymphoma in his family and had read about the uses for stem cells in treating illnesses like this, so we thought it might be a great idea for our family. We really think science is wonderful and if we could help our daughters’ in the future with their stem cells then it was a no-brainer.
3. Had you heard about stem cell banking before? If so, where?
We’d read about it online and then did it with our first daughter 4 years ago.
4. What has your experience been like with Smart Cells?
The experience with Smart Cells has been so smooth both times. We felt really confident throughout the whole experience from the initial questions, through to the phlebotomist arriving and doing their job. Everything was explained, we could ask as many questions as we wanted and there were no hidden extras. Very professional and great customer service.
5. Did the process work as you had expected it to? Did you find it to be an easy process?
Yes, it was super easy! Both of my births were very quick, so there was the challenge of the phlebotomist arriving on time – but they made it work really well both times. We didn’t really have to think about anything because it was all arranged for us.
6. Are there any obstacles that would have prevented you from using our service?
I think the only thing might be the price – but with a payment plan that takes away the worry somewhat.
7. What would you say to a friend or colleague who was thinking of using Smart Cells?
I would say if they’re thinking about it then have good research, ask lots of questions – and I’d thoroughly recommend it. You need to be sure for your own family, so just make sure you’ve got all the facts and have asked for advice where needed.
8. Would you recommend this service to others? If so, why?
If you’re looking to bank stem cells, then yes, I’d thoroughly recommend Smart Cells for the service, research, quality of the product.
9. What would be your advice to any parents who are looking into storing their baby’s stem cells?
If you’re thinking about it already then I wouldn’t hesitate to just book it! If you’re not sure or need more information then definitely ask all the questions you need to – it’s a big decision and you want to be armed with all the facts so you can make an informed choice.