Postpartum is the first six weeks following childbirth, this is an important time for new mothers as they recover from labour and delivery, establish feeding and bond with their newborns. It is also a time for rest and relaxation, as well as starting to get back into a routine.
A lot of people have unrealistic expectations of postpartum recovery, especially with the huge influence social media has. Recovery time varies from woman to woman, so be patient and take it easy. The most important thing is to rest and allow your body time to heal.
There are many myths about postpartum recovery, including the idea that you should be up and about right away and able to resume your normal routine. In reality, most women need plenty of rest and time to heal after giving birth. It’s normal to feel tired and overwhelmed, especially in the early weeks post-childbirth.
It’s also important to remember that every woman’s experience is different. Some women feel great right after giving birth, while others take a little longer to recover. Don’t compare yourself to others or put pressure on yourself to “bounce back” quickly. Postpartum recovery is a process, and it takes time
The most important thing is to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the time you need for healing. Take it easy in the early weeks post-childbirth and don’t overdo it. Everything will gradually get easier as you get more rest and become more comfortable with your new role.
Normalising a realistic postpartum recovery can be so helpful as so many new mothers feel they are not living up to some sort of societal expectation of being ‘Supermum’. It’s really okay not to be okay all the time and; part of the journey during postpartum is accepting help!
Here are some top tips to help your recovery journey:
1. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. This will help your body heal and recover.
2. Eat nutritious foods. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your body needs extra nutrients. Eating healthy foods will help you recover more quickly and have more energy.
3. Exercise lightly. Walking is a great way to get some exercise without putting too much strain on your body.
4. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is essential for healing and recovery. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
5. Ask for help when you need it. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Ask your partner or family members to help with household chores, child care, or anything else you need assistance with.
There are a few different things that can help with the postpartum recovery process, depending on how you delivered your baby. For women who had a vaginal delivery, resting and drinking plenty of fluids are key. Exercising lightly and getting plenty of sleep are also usually recommended. It’s important to avoid putting too much strain on your body, so take it easy and ask for help when you need it.
For women who had a caesarean delivery, the postpartum recovery process is a bit different. Recovery time is usually longer, and you may need to take more time to rest and heal. You will also need to follow your doctor’s orders carefully regarding exercise and healing times. As with vaginal deliveries, staying hydrated, eating well and getting plenty of sleep will help your recovery.
No matter how you delivered your baby, postpartum recovery is a crucial time for you, your baby and also your family as you all adjust to this new life. It’s important to remember that postpartum recovery is a journey and not a race. Enjoy your newborn bubble, soak up those glorious cuddles and take your time.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.