Congratulations on reaching week 27 of your pregnancy! You’re in the final week of your second trimester and two-thirds of the way through this incredible journey.
Due to your growing baby and the hormone progesterone, you may feel bloated and constipated. You have most likely gained weight now and this is completely normal. Drink lots of water, opt for high-fibre foods, and consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Your baby is approximately 36.6 cm long from head to heel, roughly the size of a head of cauliflower. Their lungs are now capable of breathing, and they’re gaining weight, filling out the folds of skin with fat.
You may find yourself feeling more fatigued than usual. This is common as your body is working hard to support your growing baby. Getting enough sleep is important at this stage to ensure you have sufficient rest from the developments and changes happening to your body. For the best sleeping positions, use a pillow to support your baby bump, keep your knees and legs bent, and place another pillow between your legs.
As your baby bump grows, you may notice stretch marks appearing on your abdomen, thighs, or breasts. The extra weight you’re carrying can put a strain on your back. Wear supportive shoes and consider using a maternity belt for added support if you’re really feeling your back.
You may experience leg cramps, particularly at night. Stretch your legs before bed and stay hydrated. Changes in your blood pressure can lead to feelings of dizziness. Stand up slowly from a sitting or lying position to help prevent dizziness.
Frequent consultations with your midwife or obstetrician are vital for tracking the well-being of both you and your baby. These sessions usually consist of a variety of evaluations, such as urine screenings, monitoring of blood pressure, and at times, ultrasound scans to verify that all is proceeding favourably.
This concludes week 27 and the final week of your second trimester. If you’re feeling anxious or low, talk to your healthcare provider for support. Don’t hesitate to discuss your concerns with your partner, friends, and family. Remember, each pregnancy is unique, so always consult with your healthcare provider for personalised advice.
NHS | https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/pregnancy/week-by-week-guide-to-pregnancy/2nd-trimester/week-27/